Sunday, October 20, 2024
Cornel West for President
[email protected]
[Victor, California] – Dr. Cornel West may not win the vote in this upcoming Presidential election but the truth is on his side. He has been vilified by the Democrats and attempted to be exploited by the Republicans due to his threat to the current power structure and each party’s personal gain.
What is the worth of a govt that exists only to lie to its people for the purpose of securing, exerting, and expanding its own power?
As a one time Democrat and later on an Independent, I shared the popular sentiment of voting for the lesser of two evils. In time that feeling became unacceptable to me. Once I was able to differentiate symbolism and identity from a service based upon courage and sacrifice and bathed in love and justice for those to be served, I did some homework and I woke up.
As a person of faith I would eventually wake up to the fact that I was keeping God outside my political space. As big as I professed my God to be, I evidently considered Him not big enough to be trusted in my political space. I misinformed myself. I don’t believe it requires a relationship with any god to come to the realizations I’m posting here. When we take the time to unpack and drill down to the ‘why’ of a thing, it makes all the difference in the world.
We are living in catastrophic times where the truth that God put in us all is no longer plausible. We view the truth through the stained glass windows of our nearsighted gain and the adopted ‘team’ which we identify being a part of. The intoxicating drug spun as being our personal interest is constantly being dangled before us as the power brokers sell us false promises and smiling villains (all the while orchestrating our expectations on a political football field that operates solely between the 40 yard lines). American politics at the highest levels is a game where the corporate players cannot lose and the people wait to be sold on the victories they may or may not have truly won. And even those ‘victories’ are not permanent as they are beholding to the whims of profit and power. Welcome to the house of The Rule Of Lies in which we now live.
"This constant lying is not aimed at making the people believe a lie, but at ensuring that no one believes anything anymore. A people that can no longer distinguish between truth and lies cannot distinguish between right and wrong. And such a people, deprived of the power to think and judge, is, without knowing and willing it, completely subjected to the rule of lies. With such a people, you can do whatever you want." -Hannah Arendt
"We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst." -- C. S. Lewis
If we refuse to fight for the dignity of the truth we then substitute expediency for Justice.
Consequently we have become ‘lit’ with the celebrity and symbolism of our political representatives at the expense of holding those people accountable to the true purpose we elect them to stand for. The purpose being to serve you, not their careers, and not the shareholders of the corporate masters who supplied them with the wherewithal required to be elected in today’s elections.
What we all have in common is that we all must inhabit this planet. We all breathe the same air, we all want the best for our children. We are all mortal. (I believe the late President John F Kennedy once said that). What if we the people climbed out of our political , theological, cultural cylos long enough to demand its govt truly be accountable to us, the people, whom it has sworn to serve, and not the corporate sponsors to whom they are beholding for financing their re-election. Take corporate $ out of politics. Institute term limits on both houses.
I am also still a prisoner of hope enough to believe that character matters, that dignity is a duty, that decency is a virtue and that love is contagious. Somehow, someway for reasons that are obvious but I won’t detail here, these virtues have no place in current American politics. Today’s American politics have devolved to a place where because the truth cannot be commodified, truth has no value. Truth certainly holds no weight to the profiteers who run the institutions that we the people pay for. This transactional mind set (though not new) has bled over into our culture as well. Too many of us have been indoctrinated by the cultists duopoly of the Republican and Democratic parties of American politics.
Then comes a person whose principle contribution to this dying democratic American experiment is merely to insist that integrity, decency, justice, and even respect for one another be an integral part of our political process. His aim is merely to introduce some degree of real decency into a wounded, dying democracy and country. He has the unmitigated audacity to insist upon a belief that love, justice and truth still do and should matter even at the highest levels of government. That those universal principles comprise the basic foundation, the basic fabric upon which any nation comprised of human beings must aspire if they wish to live their best lives and to survive as a nation.
I’m not mad at anyone who believes I’m promoting a farsighted pipe dream that is no longer applicable or even possible in today’s world. You might be right. I’m just choosing to put my faith, to place my chips on doing what I believe is the right thing to do for a righteous reason for as long as God grants me breath to do so.
This is merely a call for us to examine the value system we use when determining who we vote for.
I will say that there is a candidate running for the presidency in this upcoming election who is truly running for all the people, at the risk of life, limb, and wherewithal. Someone who has consistently been true to a lifelong calling. His track record is documented and proven. He can be trusted. EVEN HIS DETRACTORS AGREE WITH THAT. He has given his visceral ALL to serve mankind in the best and most way he knows how in the time that Almighty God has gifted him, even at the cost of his all. His name is Cornel Ronald West!
~Clifton West
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