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Claudia De la Cruz and Cornel West Presidential Campaigns Announce Agreement to Cooperate in Multiple States


Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Contact for interviews: 

West/Abdullah - [email protected] 

Claudia/Karina -[email protected]

United by shared values like opposition to war for empire, a commitment to Black liberation, and determination to build an alternative outside of the two-party system, the two progressive third-party campaigns announced that they would be urging their supporters to vote for each other’s tickets in selected states where one has ballot status but the other does not. 

The Justice for All presidential campaign of Cornel West and Melina Abdullah, and the Party for Socialism and Liberation’s ticket of Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia, have announced an agreement to cooperate in a number of states. The Claudia/Karina campaign is calling on its supporters to vote for West and Abdullah in Alaska, which is in turn calling on its supporters to vote for Claudia and Karina in Florida, Hawai’i, New Mexico, Mississippi, and Tennessee. 

In Alaska the West/Abdullah campaign has ballot status but De la Cruz and Garcia do not, and the opposite is true in the states where West/Abdullah is calling for a Claudia/Karina vote. Because of the undemocratic obstacles third party candidates are subjected to that Democrats and Republicans are not, both campaigns have had to carry out massive petition-gathering efforts and then defend their ballot status in extensive court battles amid challenges brought by Democratic Party-affiliated lawyers. This agreement aims to maximize the ability of voters to send a clear message that they reject the twin parties of war, racism and Wall Street. 

Party for Socialism and Liberation presidential candidate Claudia De la Cruz said, “The country has two ruling parties equally devoted to Empire and Wall Street — that is who we have been running against, not other progressives. We call on all people of conscience to only cast votes for campaigns that have taken a clear stand to end the dictatorship of the ultra-rich, to stop the war on Black America, and who pursue a foreign policy based on peace and solidarity. The Vote Socialist campaign wants to unite with all those who share these goals in order to build a lasting movement to transform this country.” 

Presidential candidate Cornel West said, “We must create an alternative to the corrupt corporate two-party system grounded in the Black freedom struggle that puts a priority on anti-imperialist and anti- patriarchal systems! It is a privilege to work with my dear sisters Claudia and Karina of the Party for Socialism and Liberation!”

Vice-Presidential candidate Melina Abdullah said, “As the corporate duopoly uses its vast resources to block us from the ballot, we are fortunate to be fighting for the people alongside principled, longtime organizers like Claudia and Karina. If you can’t vote for Cornel West and me - either on the ballot or write in - please cast your ballot for Claudia de la Cruz. We are committed to continuing our organizing work together for this election and beyond.”

PSL vice-presidential candidate Karina Garcia said, “Donald Trump and Kamala Harris both serve the billionaire class. Millions of people across the country are fed up and looking for an alternative to the endless war, racism and inequality we are subjected to under both Democratic and Republican administrations. Today we are taking an important step in building a united front against this unjust political and economic system, which we need on Election Day and every day after.”

About the Party for Socialism and Liberation: 

Every injustice working people experience in society, boils down to the question of who has power. Under the current capitalist system, a tiny clique of rich bankers and CEOs have the power and will do anything to maintain it. We stand for socialism — a system where poor and working people hold political and economic power and use it to meet the needs of all people and to preserve the planet. A system that guarantees healthcare, education, childcare, housing and a living wage with union representation for all.

Join us in the ongoing fight. This is about more than one election or one campaign. It takes building an independent political organization. We are in over 50 cities across the United States and count with  multinational and multigenerational leaders of key social movements engaged in the daily fight against exploitation and oppression and for the socialist reorganization of society.

To learn more about the Claudia/Karina campaign, visit And to learn more about the PSL visit 

For press inquiries, reach out to [email protected] 

About the Justice for All Party

In an effort to directly confront the suppression of voter choice and participation by legacy political parties, Independent candidate for President of the United States, Dr. Cornel West, announced the establishment of the Justice For All Party (JFA). The party will primarily be utilized as a grassroots, people-powered vehicle to secure ballot access in specific states. Additionally, JFA will grow into a larger formation that galvanizes people-powered initiatives to promote transformational change beyond the 2024 election cycle. JFA provides a mechanism for our grassroots campaign to travel a path of least resistance that will require the fewest number of signatures to attain ballot access in states like California, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, New Mexico, North Carolina, Washington and the District of Columbia.

Learn more about the West/Abdullah Policy Pillars at

For more details and press inquiries, please contact [email protected].

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