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Dr. Cornel West Gifford Lecture Watch Party - Lecture 6 - A Love Supreme (A Way Through)

Please Note: This event is at 10AM PT / 12PM CT / 1PM ET. Please register here and receive the Zoom link to put it in your calendar in order to avoid confusion, as this event is in Scotland.

Come together and watch Dr. Cornel West's Gifford Lecture series in Edinburgh, Scotland. These lectures are the highest honor in philosophy, and Dr. West will, as usual, be sharing poignant and powerful insights on our times. 

This is the sixth and final part in this series, which is titled "A Jazz-soaked Philosophy for our Catastrophic Times".

Part Six's Description is below:

Professor Cornel R. West’s jazz-soaked philosophy looks unflinchingly at our catastrophic times, and says that ‘perhaps’ we can find a way out. How do we go on loving, living, fighting, laughing, crying, swinging and singing? One answer lies in his tradition: the rich tradition of Black love in freedom and Black freedom in love. In literature, the two giants of this tradition are W. E. B. Du Bois and Toni Morrison. And in music, the Black tradition was honed in nearly three centuries of slavery and nearly another century of neo-slavery. This tradition kept a weary people in a God-forsaken world flowing with styles and smiles. Amid catastrophe, this Love Supreme transcends words, flows beneath sentences, and becomes flesh in deeds.


May 16, 2024 at 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Alex Coronado ·

Will you come?