VENUE CHANGE --> 435 Gooding Way APT 456 ALBANY CA 94706 (2 mins from Fieldwork)
Tired of the BS? Me too.
New to the Political Arena? Hell yeah.
Join Bay Area creatives, organizers, builders and fellow community folx to champion a movement rooted in Truth, Justice, and Love 📣 📣 📣
In the famous words of Dr. Cornell West, "JUSTICE is what LOVE looks like in PUBLIC. Tenderness is what LOVE feels like in private."
Hear directly from Dr. Cornel West and Dr. Melina Abdullah as they take on the duopoly, rally, and unite with people across the nation in solidarity with movements of truth and justice. They are calling on us to practice our freedom and right to CHOICE beyond empire, white supremacy, extractive capitalism, and corporate greed.
Each of Us is lifeline for our people--communities kept on the margin, ignored, brutalized and hidden from achieving justice and peace for all.
It takes a movement Rooted in Truth, Justice, and Love to Know Just Us, Know Peace...Justice for the Bay Area IS JUSTICE FOR ALL!
Event Details
When: Saturday, May 18, 2024 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Location: 435 GOODING WAY APT 456 ALBANY CA 94706
About Kris, A Bay Area Love Warrior:
Builder of People, Places, and Possibilities, Kris joins Dr. Cornell West and Dr. Melina Abdullah’s campaign for Truth, Justice and Love. Navigating systems of public welfare care since childhood--as a community care provider for over 8 years in SF and Alameda County, a consumer, and a systems translator for her communities. Now, as a first-gen Graduate Student Parent at UC Berkeley and a Social Worker in heart, practice, and training, she believes EQUITY is rooted in our people and communities being able to have ACCESS to CHOICE that reflects the will of the people and the lifelines that connect us together.
feel free to text Kris if you have any questions or need help on the day of event: (415) 629-6217
HOW TO Register for the Justice for All Party in CA: (quick video walkthrough) (completion time: 3-5 mins)
1. Visit
2. Under "Political Party Preference" Section: Register "OTHER" and specify "JUSTICE FOR ALL PARTY"
3. Tag @TruthJusticeLove2024 on IG and show solidarity with Love Warriors across the nation.