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Mainers for Cornel West Tabling and Canvass Event: Brunswick Pride

Are you ready to collect signatures to get Dr. West on the ballot in Maine and have fun doing it? Join us at Brunswick's Pride Festival at the Town Mall on June 8th! We have a reserved table for signature collection and need volunteers to run the table and canvass the crowd. On-site training and blank petitions will be provided. Whether you can stay for a couple of hours or the whole day, your help is crucial!

Register now, and your state lead will contact you to answer any questions and provide more information. Let's make history together and have a blast while doing it!

June 08, 2024 at 12:00pm - 5pm
Brunswick Town Mall
191-195 Maine St
Brunswick, ME 04011
United States
Google map and directions
Marcia G. ·

Will you come?