A Message From Brother West:
My Dear and Precious Siblings:
It’s almost unbelievable that in one week the United States and the entire world will be celebrating what would have been the 95th Birthday of Brother Martin Luther King Jr. And while we’ve heard it many, many times before, this year’s celebration is different as it calls for massive introspection of this pivotal moment in the story of these United States.
This year we can undercut the specious and superficial lip service offered every year by conservatives, liberals, and even so-called progressives who too often act as stewards of the derelict duopoly rather than shepherds and servants of the people. I am humbly asking all of you to take part in our Love Warriors MLK Day of Selfless Service in ways that embody Brother Martin’s sage aphorism, “Everybody can be great because anyone can serve.”
I am humbly calling on you to honor Brother Martin’s legacy by joining us for our Love Warriors MLK Day of Selfless Service.
Please check out our toolkit, which includes examples of numerous acts you can take part in that demonstrate King’s radical departure from the status quo of the dominant and spiritually obscene values of hyper capitalism, individualism, and materialism. You each have an opportunity to also demonstrate the highest aspirations of our people-driven campaign and movement in the spirit of Brother Martin - true democracy, collective justice, and people-centered human rights.
I truly can't wait to see you all in action and appreciate you for all you are and all you do.
With Love Supreme,
Brother Cornel West
Websites To Check for Day of Service Examples
Any Day before MLK Day:
This #MLKDay may we all be reminded that service is the currency of empathy, and empathy is a key component of movement building and community maintenance. As MLK reminds us, “Everybody can be great, because anybody can serve.” In that spirit, I am joining #CornelWest2024 for the Love Warrior Day of Selfless Service in the spirit of #TruthJusticeLove
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On MLK Day Proper:
Service is the currency of empathy, and empathy is a key component of movement building and community maintenance. As MLK reminds us, “Everybody can be great, because anybody can serve.” In that spirit, I spent this #MLKDay by taking part in the #LoveWarrior Day of Selfless Service in the spirit of #TruthJusticeLove with #CornelWest2024
Please add a photo or video of your selfless service activity
Here’s how I took part in the Love Warrior Day of Selfless Service #MLKDay #LoveWarriors #TruthJusticeLove #CornelWest2024