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Dr. Cornel West Achieves Alaska Ballot Access with Ambitious $10,000 UBI Initiative


Thursday, December 14th, 2023
Cornel West for President
[email protected] 


Independent candidate for president, Dr. Cornel West, backed by Alaska’s Aurora Party ( has obtained ballot access in Alaska for the 2024 US Presidential Election making him the first Independent candidate in the state to achieve the feat. 

“We're fighting for a society where public welfare is prioritized over private profit, where our environment is protected, where poverty is abolished, and where every vote counts by implementing rank choice voting. As part of the Aurora Party nomination and party line ballot access, it's a profound honor to be the first independent candidate on Alaska's ballot for 2024. Immense gratitude to my Alaskan family for championing this cause. Alaska, you're not just on the map, you're leading the march for justice and truth.” - Dr. Cornel West

As part of the Aurora Party nomination and party line ballot access achievement, Brother West will introduce a significant plan to raise the Alaska Permanent Dividend to $10,000 per resident, as part of a larger plan to eliminate poverty within the state.

"We’re honored to be the first state in the nation to place Dr. West on the ballot. He will be a President with the moral clarity and strength to institute a new national government with working and poor people as its priority. Alaska has a robust and independent spirit, and we will win for the Independent Dr. West in November.” - Aurora Party of Alaska

Additionally, the campaign will work closely with the Aurora Party to showcase three salient issues in Alaska : Public Ownership of Public Lands’ Natural Resources, Eradication of Poverty through an increased Alaska Permanent Dividend Fund, and Commitment to Environmental Protections and Environmental Justice. With the financial capability of the Alaska Permanent Fund and the state's demographic size, the $10,000 dividend initiative is a practical and influential move toward implementing a Universal Basic Income (UBI) in Alaska.

Enhancing his commitment to the environment, Brother West calls for an immediate moratorium on all oil and gas leasing, with a focused effort on fully protecting the idyllic Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), including the cultural resources deemed essential to the continuation of Alaska Native’s way of life. This approach is in line with the critical need for environmentally sustainable practices that consider an increasingly perilous climate crisis that’s already distributing adverse impacts statewide, and disproportionately on Alaska Native and other environmental justice communities. Specifically, Brother West will cancel the controversial and climate killing Willow project as well as proposed geoengineering projects.

Highlighting his commitments to indigenous communities nationwide, Brother West's campaign focuses on obtaining Free Prior and Informed Consent from Alaska Natives before initiating any projects or initiatives on their sovereign territory. This approach will, in part, ensure that Alaska Natives play a central role in decisions affecting their territories and cultural heritage.

With respect to the general election, the Cornel West campaign is confident that the implementation of Ranked-Choice Voting in Alaska's presidential elections will benefit the campaign, offering a more favorable condition for independent candidates and transcending the limitations of a two-party system, which is a benefit for increasing democracy writ large.

In summing up the Aurora party endorsement and access to the ballot, Brother West noted, “Our alignment with the Aurora party’s platform is very congruent with our own Policy Pillars, a commission to study and implement Universal Basic Income, dedication to climate action, environmental justice, and respect for Indigenous sovereignty, and overall, I am confident that both of our approaches offers a new direction for political initiatives not just in Alaska but throughout the United States, I am honored and humbled to be in partnership with them and look forward to getting to work to win the State of Alaska next November.”


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Cornel West for President · 420 N McKinley St, Ste 111-512, Corona, CA 92879, United States